It is natural to be focused on the dollars and interest points when shopping for a loan. After all, you want the best possible deal that will have you paying the least in fees and interest. Right?...
Category: Home Buyers
A couple we know is currently going through the home buying process. Over the weekend we were talking about bidding wars and whether or not you can believe the “Oh there’s lot’s of interest”...
When I first bought a house, I assumed that the appraisal process consisted of the mortgage company hiring an appraiser, the appraiser writing a report, then the lender making a decision about your...
When my friends and I were hanging out the other evening, we were chatting about anything and everything. At one point the talk turned to the process of buying a house, and in particular, whether or...
Whether or not it is possible to buy a house for another person is not a question that everyone is going to face. However, if you are fortunate enough to be a position, where you’re able to buy...
What Is The Difference Between Market Value And Appraised Value?
When I first began buying properties, I was quick to discover that when you’re asking yourself “How much is this property worth?” the answer is, almost always “It depends who you ask.”...