If you are thinking of purchasing your first home, or starting investing in multiple properties, you will need a place to start.
The struggle I had when I was finally in a position to purchase real estate, was that I didnt know where to start. I had no one to guide me or point me in the right direction. So, I began to look for people who had done what I wanted to do, and I found them in books.
Successful people do what other successful people have done.
Mindset is everything when it comes to real estate investing. Not all of these books are related directly to real estate, however, they may help you get over some very large bumps in the road and keep you focused on your investing goals.
This is a list of some of my favorite books, all of which I have read. They will help you get in the right mindset for investing in real estate and starting your business. Investing is a journey and there are many ups and downs.
My hope is that these books will be a valuable to you as they have been to me.