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You’ve lived in your current home for several years without getting any roof work done. Judging by the roof’s appearance, the prior owner didn’t do anything with it for a long time either. You...
You’re a DIY type of guy or gal, so when you decided you wanted solar panels on your roof, you were committed to installing them yourself. What you hadn’t accounted for was navigating the roof...
A windstorm snapped off your gutters a while ago. You keep meaning to get them replaced, but life gets in the way. If your home doesn’t have gutters for a prolonged period, what will happen? A...
You’re getting your home remodeled, and so far, so good. You’re very pleased with the contractor you hired for the job, as they’re doing excellent work. That said, their request today to level...
It’s always been your dream to start a family in the perfect single-family home. As you dive deep into your local housing market, you begin comparing lot sizes. You’re curious what the average...
You’re not sure if you’re going to buy a new heater or air conditioner quite yet, but you’re doing some research and exploring your options. As you look around at HVAC units, you keep seeing...