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Many homes have foundation vents, which are metal vents on the home’s exterior right over the dirt line. You can adjust them, opening or closing them as needed. When should you open foundation...
Do you have a woodworking project on your to-do list but you’re not exactly comfortable cutting the wood yourself? You don’t necessarily have to, as some places will cut wood for your project for...
Your basement, at this point, is anything but finished, but you’ve still contemplated insulating the ceiling, nevertheless. After doing a bit of cursory price research though, you’re torn. Is it...
Is Your Security Deposit All That Is At Risk If You Damage The Apartment?
The security deposit you pay when you start renting an apartment can be a contentious topic. There is a history of landlords and tenants fighting over when the landlord can withhold the security...
Why Are Air Conditioning Vents in My Floor and Not the Ceiling?
Your home has air conditioning vents that are, to you, in a unique place – the floor rather than the ceiling. Why is this? Air conditioning (and heating) vents can be placed on the floor or the...
Your ultimate goal when selecting your new home was to choose one with a basement you could finish. You think you’ve found a basement with potential, but what exactly will it take for the basement...