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When I first bought a house, I assumed that the appraisal process consisted of the mortgage company hiring an appraiser, the appraiser writing a report, then the lender making a decision about your...
Online banking is a fantastic innovation. You can sit on your sofa at midnight, check your balance, pay your bills, and wonder why you are paying, in my case, an annual $1,250 premium for homeowners...
When my friends and I were hanging out the other evening, we were chatting about anything and everything. At one point the talk turned to the process of buying a house, and in particular, whether or...
Whether or not it is possible to buy a house for another person is not a question that everyone is going to face. However, if you are fortunate enough to be a position, where you’re able to buy...
What Is The Difference Between Market Value And Appraised Value?
When I first began buying properties, I was quick to discover that when you’re asking yourself “How much is this property worth?” the answer is, almost always “It depends who you ask.”...
When my wife and I got married, we debated whether or not to own a condo. We went back an forth discussing the pros and cons until we ultimately decided against it. What does it mean to own a...